Invitation to Community Based Organisations to apply for funding for 2024


The Probation Service recognises and acknowledges the important role that the community plays in working with offenders, supporting their rehabilitation, re-integration and engagement in a positive lifestyle.


Community Based Organisations currently provide a diverse range of services, addressing offender needs including services for Restorative Justice, training and education, offender management programmes including community programmes for working with sex offenders, residential accommodation including supported transitional housing project for women, drug and alcohol treatment programmes, programmes dealing with young persons, programmes dealing with females, and/or programmes dealing with persons of a particular ethnicity.


The Probation Service invites any interested Community Based Organisations, who are working with offenders in the criminal justice system and are interested in obtaining funding to deliver or expand the above mentioned services or programmes, to complete and forward the below application form to the Probation Service Community Programmes Unit at [email protected]e


In addition, the application should demonstrate how the programmes and services are strategically aligned to the objectives of the Probation Service, including the delivery of any new services/initiatives that would meet identified or gaps for clients. Interested community organisations should consult with the local Probation Service Regional Manager regarding same.


The latest date for receipt of funding applications is 6 October 2023. The application process does not guarantee a commitment to funding, and the Probation Service may decide not to award funding 


It is intended that decisions on any new application for funding will be made before the end of 2023, and the Probation Service will notify decisions to the relevant Organisations as soon as possible. 


If engaged, service providers will be subject to the terms and conditions of Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Circular 13/2014.


2024 New CBO Application Form


2024 New CBO Annual Funding Application Guidance Notes